NorthStar Game Submissions
NorthStar is not looking at outside submissions.
One of my favorite pastimes is playing unfinished prototypes and collaborating with designers, but outside submissions don't fit into our strategy right now.
NorthStar is a game studio that designs and develops games internally. We don't know how long a game will take before it blossoms into something special, but it often takes 3 - 5 years before we're ready to commission art. We don't like to rush the process.
Since our bake time is so long, we look for undiscovered gems published overseas to fill the gaps between internal releases.
If your game has already been published and has fantastic art that would fit into our product catalog, contact us on social media with a link to the BGG listing. If we like what we see, we'll ask for a demo copy from the publisher.
- Dominic Crapuchettes, Founder and Lead Designer